Category Archives: Meetings


Pizza will be served.  If you are coming,  please email so I know how much pizza is needed.  The mystery book exchange is also taking place.  Bring a mystery you have finished reading & exchange it for something else.  After the

The  CCW Executive is composed of the following positions:
PRESIDENT: oversees the Executive; builds consensus at Executive meetings; oversees the implementation of Association plans & programs; ensures Association operates in accordance with its By- Laws; calls Executive meetings; organizes agenda & chairs Executive meetings.

VICE-PRESIDENT: carries out duties & responsibilities of the President when the President is unavailable; runs the Audrey Jessup short story contest.

PAST-PRESIDENT: serves in advisory capacity to Executive to facilitate the continuity of information from one Executive to the next

PROGRAM DIRECTOR: responsible for the content of the regular monthly meetings(speakers & workshops) & the December dinner.  Reserves the meeting rooms for the monthly meetings.

COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR: responsible for implementing & maintaining communications, including an Internet presence.

SECRETARY/MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR: maintains membership records; solicits membership renewals; drafts summary minutes of Executive meetings.

TREASURER: maintains a bank account in the name of ‘Capital Crime Writers’; receives  fees & reimburses expenses; prepares an annual financial summary

For the past year the SECRETARY-MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR & TREASURER positions have been filled by one person
The Program Director is normally assisted by  two members from the Association.  The Communications Director is normally assisted by one member from the Association.

Members who have served on the Executive have generally served for a number of terms.  This has given the Executive a degree of continuity.  However, few new members have joined in recent years.  The Organization’s  strength lies in its members.  An executive needs and benefits greatly from an infusion of new Executive members.  New members build on past strengths, bring new ideas and help the Association face new  challenges.  In short, the Executive remains relevant to its members and carries the organization forward.

Any member of CCW can put their name forward for any position on the Executive.  A number of current Executive members have agreed to stay on the Executive.  CURRENTLY THE PROGRAM DIRECTOR AND ONE OF HIS ASSISTANTS POSITIONS WILL BECOME VACANT.  THE PERSON WHO HAS OVERSEEN UPDATING THE WEBSITE WILL ALSO STEP DOWN.  OTHER EXECUTIVE POSITIONS MAY BECOME VACANT.

The Executive meets about four times a year.  The meetings usually take place in a library or a pub.  Having vacant  Executive positions places more work on fewer members.  Our Executive needs new blood.

If you are interested in putting your name forward for any of the Executive positions outlined above, or if you have any questions, please contact the President   Michael Murphy (

I look forward to a good turnout for this important meeting.  It’s your CCW, please participate.

Michael Murphy

April Meeting Announcement

When:  7 pm, Wednesday April 12, 2017

Where:  Honeywell Room, second floor, Ottawa City Hall

Speaker:  Ray Tallim, Provincial Crown Prosecutor

Ray Tallim is a Provincial Crown Prosecutor who has worked for the department for 17 years.  He will share stories of his job  and answer questions.

March CCW Meeting

When: 7:00 pm, Wednesday, March 8, 2017
Where: Honeywell Room, second floor, Ottawa City Hall.
Speaker: Staff Sergeant Stephanie Burns of the Organized Fraud Section of the Ottawa Police Service.
Fraud is all around. The Ottawa Police Organized Fraud Section focuses on investigating fraud matters and trends that can be linked, tracked and documented such as:
  • Fraud Against Seniors
  • Counterfeit Fraud (currency and other documents)
  • Credit Cards and Debit Card Fraud,
  • Cheque Fraud
  • Social Assistance (welfare) Fraud
  • Computer Fraud
  • Identity Theft
  • Corporate Fraud
Some common scams include: email scams, advance fee scams, cheque overpayment scams, charitable organization scams, lottery scams, computer virus scams (haven’t we all heard “This is Windows Technical Department and we are receiving bad signals from your computer,” romance scams, loans/scholarship scams, tax and Revenue Canada scams (It seems the frausters don’t know it has long been called Canada Revenue Agency), seniors being targeted, blessing scams, and door to door scams.
Staff Sergeant Burns has been a police officer for 25 years. She is a full-time officer, a part-time photographer and a lover of horses at all times. When there is a jewelry box, other people may see a beautiful item, she will see a great surface for fingerprints. Staff Sergeant Burns is on Twitter and often tweets advice such as: banks don’t communicate security concerns via text message. She will talk to CCW about fraud and provide advice on how to avoid it.

Festive dinner Dec. 14

When and where

When: Wednesday, December 14, 2016 at 6 p.m.
Where: Tony Capones Italian Grill, 2369 Carling Avenue, Ottawa

The festive dinner takes place at Capone’s Italian Grill.  Come for dinner, starting at 6 p.m.  Our after dinner speaker is R.J. Harlick, author of  the Meg Harris mystery series.

Space is limited.  Please email to reserve your place.  Please include the number of people in your party.

Forensic Identification – Crime Scene Analysis

Topic: Forensic Identification – Crime Scene Analysis
Date: Wednesday, October 12
Time: 7:00 pm
Place: Colonel By Room, second floor, Ottawa City Hall

Kelly Menna of the Ottawa Police Service will be discussing the role of the Forensic Section of the police service in investigations.

Kelly joined the Ottawa Police Service in 2008 and was assigned to general patrol/911 response in the West End. In 2011, Kelly received training as a Scenes of Crime Officer (SOCO), authorized to forensically process scenes, such as break and enters, mischief to properties, assaults etc on top of general calls for service.

In January 2016, Kelly transferred to the Forensic Identification Section (FIS) and so returned to the Ontario Police College for approximately three months for further training, graduating at the top of the class for fingerprint submissions and second overall.

The Forensic Identification Section (FIS) provides 24/7 service for Ottawa. It is responsible for crime scene documentation, including the identification, collection, preservation, examination and continuity of crime scene exhibits.

A Forensic Identification Officer has a demanding and complex set of duties that is supported through diverse education and training as well as practical experience. They attend crime scenes ranging from break and enters to deaths and near death (including suicides and attempted suicides, homicides, fatal and near fatal motor vehicle accidents). Popular television shows like “CSI” have brought attention to the science of forensic analysis and although these shows are very entertaining, crimes are not always solved that quickly.

CCW meeting dates for Fall 2016

The program committee is busy arranging an interesting lineup for the Fall 2016 period.  The lineup is below.

NOTE: Date and locale change for September meeting.

  • SEPTEMBER MEETING:  The first meeting is scheduled for Thursday September 22nd Wednesday, September 21 at 7 p.m.  Our guest speaker is Debra Komar, who was a forensic anthropologist.  She will speak on what a forensic anthropologist does.  Debra has also written a number of true crime books dealing with historical cases in Canada.  Her latest book is entitled “Black River Road: an Unthinkable Crime, an Unlikely Suspect, and the Question of Character.”   Copies will be available for sale.  PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS MEETING IS IN CENTREPOINTE BRANCH OF THE OTTAWA PUBLIC LIBRARY (101 CENTREPOINTE DRIVE). THE MEETING IS IN ROOM 1B (go in building, meeting room beside entrance to Library) THE RICHMOND ROOM  (second floor, Ottawa City Hall).

This meeting is also your first chance to pay your dues for the 2016-17 period.  Most of the members renew at this time.  Please come.  Either Elizabeth (CCW treasurer) or I will be happy to take your money.  There will also be a brief discussion at the start of the meeting on a couple of business items.

  • OCTOBER MEETING:  Scheduled for Wednesday October 12, 7 pm.  THIS MEETING IS IN THE COLONEL BY ROOM (our regular room).  Speaker arrangements are in progress.
  • NOVEMBER MEETING:  Scheduled for Monday, November 7, 6:15-8:15.  Takes place at the Alta Vista Branch, Ottawa Public Library (2516 Alta  Vista Drive) The program is entitled “A Quick Killing: Writing the Mystery Short Story”.  Our Speaker is CCW friend Melanie Fogel, who edited STORYTELLER: CANADA’S SHORT STORY MAGAZINE.  Melanie is currently involved with
  • DECEMBER MEETING:  Scheduled for Wednesday December 14.  We meet at a restaurant, enjoy dinner and an after dinner speaker.  Our speaker is R.J. Harlick, long time CCW member and author of the Meg Harris mystery series.  More details to follow
  • AUTHOR READING OF INTEREST:  Mark Leslie, author of “Creepy Capital: Ghost Stories of Ottawa and the National Capital Region” comes to the Rideau branch of the Ottawa Public Library (377 Rideau St) onSaturday, September 10 at 1:00 pm.

CCW contest pub night and great writing news-RESCHEDULED

UPDATE: The pub night has been RESCHEDULED to June 22, 2016 and relocated to the Foolish Chicken due to the sinkhole situation on Rideau Street.

The winners of the 2016 CCW short story contest  will be announced on Wednesday June 22, 2016 .  Come and hear readings from the winners.  Anyone else who wishes to read their work is also welcome. Want to see who made the short list? See this post.

When and where

When: Wednesday June 22, 2016, 6:30 p.m. – last to leave.
Where: Foolish Chicken, 79 Holland Ave, Ottawa, ON

Publishing and awards news about members

CCW member Patricia Filteau to launch new book
Patricia Filteau is launching her new book, Vantage Point: A Kate Roarty, P.I. novel on Monday May 30, 2016, at 7:30. The launch is at 3 Sisters Bakeshop & Café, located at 2211 Arch Street. That pastries there are divine.

Peggy Blair short story
CCW friend Peggy Blair has released an eight-episode podcast of a Inspector Ramirez short story prequel (to Umbrella Man) narrated by Selma Farmer.  The launch of Umbrella Man, the fourth Inspector Ramirez mystery is on Thursday June 9, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. It takes place at Holland’s Cake and Shake, 229
Armstrong St, Ottawa.

CCW member Adrienne Stevenson clinches 3rd place
Adrienne Stevenson has won third place in the 2016 National Capital Writing Contest. The award is sponsored by the Canadian Authors Association: National Capital Region. Her story is entitled “Leveller.” Congratulations.

CCW ELECTIONS: 2016-2017
The elections for the CCW executive (2016-2017) were held on May 11th. I am pleased to announce the 2016-2017 executive:

PRESIDENT: Michael Murphy
PAST PRESIDENT: Katherine Hobbs
PROGRAM DIRECTOR: Joe Italiano & Mary Fernando

Thanks to the members of the 2015-2016 executive:
PRESIDENT: Katherine Hobbs
PAST PRESIDENT: Michael Murphy
PROGRAM DIRECTOR: Michael Murphy & Joe Italiano

CCW election, mystery exchange, and pizza!

It’s CCW election time, and much more: pizza, a mystery novel exchange, and an invitation to read your short-story submission.

After the election of the new CCW executive there will be a round table discussion of what you have enjoyed reading recently and why. Lastly, anyone who was not shortlisted for the 2016 Audrey Jessup short story contest can bring their writing to read to the group.

When and where

When: Wedesnday, May 11, 2016 at 6:30 p.m.
Where: Ottawa City Hall (Honeywell Room, second floor)
RSVP: (IMPORTANT: We need to know how much pizza to order)

Executive positions

Note: A strong interest in the elections is needed, otherwise CCW is at risk of folding.

THe CCW Executive is composed of the following positions:
PRESIDENT: oversees the Executive; builds consensus at Executive meetings; oversees the implementation of Association plans & programs; ensures Association operates in accordance with its By- Laws; calls Executive meetings; organizes agenda & chairs Executive meetings.

VICE-PRESIDENT: carries out duties & responsibilities of the President when the President is unavailable; runs the Audrey Jessup short story contest.

PAST-PRESIDENT: serves in advisory capacity to Executive to facilitate the continuity of information from one Executive to the next

PROGRAM DIRECTOR: responsible for the content of the regular monthly meetings(speakers & workshops) & the December dinner.  Reserves the meeting rooms for the monthly meetings.

COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR: responsible for implementing & maintaining communications, including an Internet presence.

SECRETARY/MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR: maintains membership records; solicits membership renewals; drafts summary minutes of Executive meetings.

TREASURER: maintains a bank account in the name of ‘Capital Crime Writers’; receives  fees & reimburses expenses; prepares an annual financial summary
For the past year the SECRETARY-MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR & TREASURER positions have been filled by one person
The Program Director is normally assisted by  two members from the Association.  The Communications Director is normally assisted by one member from the Association.

Members who have served on the Executive have generally served for a number of terms.  This has given the Executive a degree of continuity.  However, few new members have joined in recent years.  The Organization’s  strength lies in its members.  An executive needs and benefits greatly from an infusion of new Executive members.  New members build on past strengths, bring new ideas and help the Association face new  challenges.  In short, the Executive remains relevant to its members and carries the organization forward.

Any member of CCW can put their name forward for any position on the Executive.  A number of current Executive members have agreed to stay on the Executive.  However,  the Program Director &  the Vice-President,  will become vacant and must be filled at the May  election.  In addition, the Presidency may become vacant.

The Executive meets about four times a year.  The meetings usually take place in a library or a pub.  Having vacant  Executive positions places more work on fewer members.  Our Executive needs new blood.

If you are interested in putting your name forward for any of the Executive positions outlined above, or if you have any questions, please contact the President Katherine Hobbs ( or Michael Murphy ( ).