October 10 meeting 7-9 p.m. Library & Archives

Rapid Reads books are a growing phenomenon both in the adult and young adult market. Writers as diverse as Minnette Walters, Alexander McCall Smith, Terry Jones, and Karen Slaughter, have delivered their own mini-masterpieces.

Rapid Reads or Quick Reads books are geared toward reluctant readers whether adult or young adult. Though the popularity goes beyond those who ‘hate to read’. These short novels can be found in the classroom, libraries, even prisons. Come out for October’s meeting where novelists and CCW members Brenda Chapman, Barbara Fradkin, and Jeff Ross will speak about the Rapid Reads market in Canada, their experiences writing in this format, and the publishing possibilities.

Pillar Society

Pan Am Flight 103 was blown out of the sky over Lockerbie, Scotland on December 21, 1988, killing 270 people and changing the way the world looked at terrorism. Twelve years later, following a lengthy and complex investigation, a Scottish court brought two Libyan intelligence officers to trial in the Netherlands.  Al Megrahi was convicted and sentenced to life in prison.  Three years ago, he was released on compassionate grounds and returned to Libya after serving 8.5 years.  In May of this year he died. But the story does not end there.  Both Scotland and the US are currently perusing a renewed investigation to identify all those responsible for this gruesome crime.
On October 25, 2012 our next speaker will be retired FBI Special Agent Dick Marquise who led the U.S. Investigative Task Force which included the FBI, Department of Justice and the Central Intelligence Agency. He managed all aspects of the investigation and led it through the return of indictments in 1991. Although it wasn’t until January 2001 that Megrahi was convicted, Marquise also played an active role throughout the trial.
Dick will provide a rare glimpse into the inner workings of a major international criminal investigation and outlines the organizational structure the United States and Scotland put in place to address this international crime, now a model for international interagency cooperation on questions of terrorism.
Mr. Marquise is an expert in the fields of counter terrorism and crisis management, both as an investigator and as a manager. During his 31-year career with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) he was chief of Middle East terrorism which managed FBI investigations worldwide and included his role of Special Agent in Charge of the Oklahoma City Division of the FBI.  In 2006 Dick wrote a book about the bombing called SCOTBOM: Evidence and the Lockerbie Bombing.  This book is an accurate and detailed account of the investigation of this case.
Dick will walk us through this incredible story from finding a needle in a hay stack to the conviction of Megrahi.  The recent downfall of the Gadafhi regime and the death of Megrahi has brought this case to the forefront once again.  Come and hear this incredible story from the person who led this investigation.
Tickets will go on sale through the Shenkman Arts Centre commencing Monday, September 10, 2012, 10:00.    Please note that all tickets will be for reserved seating.
The ticket price for this Speakers Series event is $30.00 which includes all taxes.
When ordering tickets you MUST provide the promotion / access code: Libya
You will not be able to obtain tickets if you fail to provide the promotion / access code. This is a private, non-publicized event but colleagues, family and friends are welcome.
Tickets will be available via:
In Person at the Box Office – 8:30am to 10:30pm, 7 days a week
·         By Phone –  613-580-2700 – 10am to 8pm, 7 days a week
Internet –  www.shenkmanarts.ca/promo  available 24/7
     The Shenkman Arts Centre offers plenty of free parking.
As in previous Pillar Society Speakers Series events, program will be:
Reception:    6:00 PM
Doors Open: 6:30 PM
Presentation: 7:00 PM
Break:          8:15 PM
Presentation followed by Q&A’s 9:30 – 10:00 PM
We anticipate a strong turnout for this presentation.  Don’t delay ordering your tickets.
If you wish further information about this event, please feel free to contact either:
Don Mahar, National President
Bob Barrass, National Vice President

Peggy Blair, Brenda Missen, and C. B. Forrest

The Devil’s Dust was chosen by Books on Beechwood for CBC’s July Book Panel. Don’t miss a reading and scone-eating next week!

Join Books on Beechwood and three local mystery authors, Peggy Blair, Brenda Missen, and C. B. Forrest, who will be reading from their latest novels at The Scone Witch, 35 Beechwood Avenue, on Tuesday, September 18 from 5:00pm to 7:00pm.
The $12 admission fee covers a scone dinner, dessert, and coffee or tea.

(Fees to be paid at the door at The Scone Witch.) Admission is limited to 25 people.

Please phone Books on Beechwood to reserve a seat, 613-742-5030.
Or e-mail staff@booksonbeechwood.ca.

The Walker on the Cape Book Launch




Baico Publishing and Mike Martin are pleased to announce the release of “The Walker on theCape”. This is the first in a series of stories featuring RCMP Sgt. Winston Windflower, a Cree from Northern Alberta who finds himself stationed in Grand Bank,Newfoundland.

Except from the back cover of “The Walker on theCape”

A man’s body is found on the Cape overlooking Grand Bank,Newfoundland. At first everyone thinks it’s a heart attack or stroke. But then it is discovered that he was poisoned. Who would do this and why? Finding that out falls to Sergeant Winston Windflower of the RCMP along with his trusted side-kick Eddie Tizzard.  Along the way they discover that there are many more secrets hidden in this small community and powerful people who want to keep it that way.

Windflower also discovers two more things; a love of living in a smallNewfoundlandcommunity that is completely different from his up-bringing in a Northern Alberta reserve and maybe the love of his life. He gets a taste of Newfoundland food and hospitality as well as a sense of how crime and corruption can linger beneath the surface or hide in the thick blanket of fog that sometimes creeps in from the nearby Atlantic Ocean.

Mike Martin was born in St. John’s,Newfoundland and now lives and writes in Ottawa. This is his first fiction book. He is a long time freelance writer and the author of “Change the Things You Can: Dealing with Difficult People.”

For more information or to obtain a review copy please contact Mike Martin at mike54martin@sympatico.ca or visitwww.walkeronthecape.com

September 12th meeting 7-9 pm Library & Archives

September 12th Meeting:  Guest Speaker Gary Houldsworth CFE – Private Investigator Specializing in Fraud

We are starting the season off with a dynamic special guest speaker – Gary Houldsworth heads up Houldworth & Associates, an Ottawa firm with expertise in fraud, loss prevention and risk management. Gary also is a certified instructor who teaches part time at Algonquin College and coordinates the “Public and Private Investigations” studies. Over the years, he’s trained just about everyone in the industry, including security guards, licensed investigators, corporations, governments, and now his biggest challenge, Capital Crime Writers.

Gary will share from his twenty-one year wealth of experience as a professional private investigator. He is  certain to provide a cornucopia of fodder for crime stories so bring your questions and be prepared to discover the fraudulent underbelly of corporations and private businesses.

Wednesday, September 12th from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. @ the Library& Archives Canada. New members are always welcome.


2012 Audrey Jessup Winners

1st place: John Haas for Til Death
2nd place: Jane Watson for At Rest with the Lord
3rd place: Jennifer Jorgensen for The Neighbours

Honorable mention: Elizabeth Hosang for One Last Job
Honorable mention: Adrienne Stevenson for Rebecca sorts things out

End of year Wine and Cheese @ Collected Works Bookstore: June 13

Join us on June 13th between 7:00-9:00 p.m. at Collected Works bookstore (Wellington at Holland) for a Wine and Cheese get together before the summer break. We will announce the winners of the Audrey Jessup  Short Story Contest, and all winners will read from their work.  You are also invited to bring along a sample of a current writing project to share with the gang.

Plan to come out for a glass of wine and stuff on crackers – catering is by our good friend Margaret Dunlop.  We need to know how many are coming so please RSVP by sending an email to:  m.murphy345@hotmail.com by June 10th.