My Mysterious World: Sherlock Holmes and a Plotter’s Approach to
Writing Mystery Fiction by Dan Andriacco – Wednesday September 11, 2024 at 7:00 pm (EDT)
Mystery writers can be divided into plotters (who plan) and pantsers (who write by the seat of their pants). Dan will discuss his approach to writing as a plotter, and how it was inspired by his fascination with Sherlock Holmes.
Dan Andriacco is the author of 21 published mystery novels. His primary series, featuring amateur sleuth Sebastian McCabe and brother-in-law Jeff Cody, is set in a small college town in southern Ohio. The latest in that series is The Woman in Red (The Magician’s Trunk will be published in the Autumn). An earlier one, Queen City Corpse, involves murder at a mystery conference in Cincinnati. Dan has also been a mystery reviewer and taught non-credit classes in mystery fiction. Well known among Sherlock Holmes devotees, he is a member Baker Street Irregulars and editor of The Baker Street Journal. Dan lives in Cincinnati with his wife, Ann.