It’s Criminal! Adding Comedy to Crime by Melodie Campbell – Wednesday, April 9, 2025 at 7:00 pm (EDT)
In this fun talk, Melodie Campbell will discuss the different types of written humour in fiction, and gives practical pointers on how you can add humour to your stories. She’ll also touch on the difference between writing comedies vs writing crime with humour.
Called the “Queen of Comedy” by the Toronto Sun, Melodie Campbell was also named the “Canadian Literary heir to Donald Westlake” by Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine. Melodie has won ten awards, including the Derringer (US) and the Crime Writers of Canada Award of Excellence, and has been featured in USA Today. Her publications include over one hundred comedy credits, eighteen novels and sixty short stories, but she’s best known for The Goddaughter mob caper series. The Silent Film Star Murders has just been released by Cormorant Books.