Writing Workshop on Critique Groups

Join us this Wednesday, September 12 at 7 pm at City Hall in the Billings Boardroom (2nd floor, next to the Honeywell room) for our first meeting of the year.

Writing is a solitary job. The author spends hours, days and sometimes years creating characters that live and breath, commit crimes or solve them. Every scene is meticulously crafted and flows to an awe inspiring conclusion.

Is that what the reader sees? Or do they see two-dimensional characters and so many plot holes that they almost overshadow the predictable ending.

That’s where the invaluable advice of a critique group, with fresh eyes that aren’t emotionally invested, can help.

Join Madona Skaff in a discussion that covers: where to find a critique group in your area or on-line; starting a group yourself and the pros and cons of these groups.

Madona Skaff is a long time member of CCW. She has published several SF as well as mystery short stories and is the author of the mystery novel, Journey of a Thousand Steps.