October Meeting

CAPITAL CRIME WRITERS’ October meeting is on Wednesday, October 9th, 2019.  We meet at Ottawa City Hall, in the Honeywell Room (2nd floor), starting at 7 pm.

Our speaker is Michael Murphy, who spent his career working in public libraries.  His talk will discuss some favourite TV series which you may have missed watching.  Amid the flood of offerings one can easily miss series which will hold your interest.  He will also discuss some favourite crime fiction websites, and series of reissued crime novels  which may help you in choosing your next book.

Time to renew your membership or join Capital Crime Writers for the same low price of $40. You can pay at the meeting, by cheque or cash.

Or you can pay by electronic transfer, using the email; Treasurer@capitalcrimewriters.com

If you have any questions, please email Treasurer@capitalcrimewriters.com