Nov. 13 – Editors: Your gateway to publication

Editors are the unsung heroes of the publishing world, often making the difference between a manuscript that gets tossed or one that wins an award. Editors are also the gatekeepers of the publishing world, the first ones who read a manuscript and determine whether it deserves being passed up the chain.


Allister Thompson has more than 15 years of experience as an editor for publishing houses, having guided some of the country’s top award-winning crime writers. He is now a freelance editor and consultant. Allister knows what it takes to move your manuscript from the slush pile to the bookstore.

CB Forrest is the author of the critically-acclaimed Charlie McKelvey mystery series, a discovery of Allister’s back in 2008. Forrest will moderate an engaging session as Allister shares with the Capital Crime Writers his years of experience, tips to help make your manuscript stand out, mistakes to avoid, and his views on the future of publishing.

The moderated session will provide ample opportunity for questions and feedback, but individual appointments can be booked with Allister prior to the event. He can be contacted via his website at

Also, here’s an interesting Q & A with Allister from July: Five Questions and Answers with editor Allister Thompson

Next meeting: Wednesday, Nov. 13, 2013

Time and place: 7 p.m., Honeywell Room, City Hall