Our first meeting of the fall season is on Wednesday September 13, 2017 at 7 p.m. It takes place in the Honeywell Room (second floor of Ottawa City Hall, 110 Laurier Av. W)
Our first meeting of the fall season is on Wednesday September 13, 2017 at 7 p.m. It takes place in the Honeywell Room (second floor of Ottawa City Hall, 110 Laurier Av. W)
The elections for the CCW executive (2017-2018) were held in May. I am pleased to announce the 2017-2018 executive:
PRESIDENT: Patricia Filteau
VICE PRESIDENT: Elizabeth Hosang
PAST PRESIDENT: Michael Murphy
PROGRAM DIRECTOR: Mary Fernando & Pam Isfeld
Thanks to the members of the 2016-2017 executive:
PRESIDENT: Michael Murphy
VICE PRESIDENT: Patricia Filteau
PAST PRESIDENT: Katherine Hobbs
PROGRAM DIRECTOR: Joe Italiano & Mary Fernando
CCW will convene for dinner, readings by the winners of the Audrey Jessup Short Story contest 2017 at the Barley Mow on Bank Street (1060 Bank St), https:
Prose in the Park 2017 takes place on Saturday June 10th in the Parkdale park. CCW members will be interested in the Emerging Crime panel which is moderated by Melissa Yuan-Innes (Yi) CCW member and author of the Hope Sze series. She will be joined by authors and CCW members Jim Napier who just launched his debit novel and Patricia Filteau author of the Kate Roarty P.I. series. They will be joined by Crime writers Catherine Astolpho and Michael Blair. Come and discover the wide variety of local authors. Please go towww.proseinthepark.com for directions, program and information. The festival runs 1100-1800. The Emerging Crime Panel begins at 1600. All Crime writers can be found at Tent 7 where Mike Martin, author of the Sgt Windflower series will also join this gang in crime writing. All participating authors in the Emerging Crime panel and Tent 7 have just released new novels.
The CCW Executive is composed of the following positions:
PRESIDENT: oversees the Executive; builds consensus at Executive meetings; oversees the implementation of Association plans & programs; ensures Association operates in accordance with its By- Laws; calls Executive meetings; organizes agenda & chairs Executive meetings.
VICE-PRESIDENT: carries out duties & responsibilities of the President when the President is unavailable; runs the Audrey Jessup short story contest.
PAST-PRESIDENT: serves in advisory capacity to Executive to facilitate the continuity of information from one Executive to the next
PROGRAM DIRECTOR: responsible for the content of the regular monthly meetings(speakers & workshops) & the December dinner. Reserves the meeting rooms for the monthly meetings.
COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR: responsible for implementing & maintaining communications, including an Internet presence.
SECRETARY/MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR: maintains membership records; solicits membership renewals; drafts summary minutes of Executive meetings.
TREASURER: maintains a bank account in the name of ‘Capital Crime Writers’; receives fees & reimburses expenses; prepares an annual financial summary
Members who have served on the Executive have generally served for a number of terms. This has given the Executive a degree of continuity. However, few new members have joined in recent years. The Organization’s strength lies in its members. An executive needs and benefits greatly from an infusion of new Executive members. New members build on past strengths, bring new ideas and help the Association face new challenges. In short, the Executive remains relevant to its members and carries the organization forward.
Any member of CCW can put their name forward for any position on the Executive. A number of current Executive members have agreed to stay on the Executive. CURRENTLY THE PROGRAM DIRECTOR AND ONE OF HIS ASSISTANTS POSITIONS WILL BECOME VACANT. THE PERSON WHO HAS OVERSEEN UPDATING THE WEBSITE WILL ALSO STEP DOWN. OTHER EXECUTIVE POSITIONS MAY BECOME VACANT.
The Executive meets about four times a year. The meetings usually take place in a library or a pub. Having vacant Executive positions places more work on fewer members. Our Executive needs new blood.
If you are interested in putting your name forward for any of the Executive positions outlined above, or if you have any questions, please contact the President Michael Murphy (m.murphy345@hotmail.com).
I look forward to a good turnout for this important meeting. It’s your CCW, please participate.
The shortlists for the 2017 Arthur Ellis Awards were announced on April 20, 2017. Three CCW members are nominated:
Brenda Chapman. No Trace, Grass Roots Press (Best Novella: The Lou Allin Memorial Award.)
Elizabeth Hosang, Where There’s a Will, The Whole She-Bang 3, Toronto Sisters in Crime (Best Short Story.)
Mary Fernando, An Absence of Empathy, (Unhanged Arthur for Best Unpublished First Crime Novel sponsored by Dundurn Press.)
(Posted by Elizabeth because I have the password; someone else told me what to say 🙂 )
When: 7 pm, Wednesday April 12, 2017
Where: Honeywell Room, second floor, Ottawa City Hall
Speaker: Ray Tallim, Provincial Crown Prosecutor
Ray Tallim is a Provincial Crown Prosecutor who has worked for the department for 17 years. He will share stories of his job and answer questions.
There is no meeting of CCW in February. The next meeting will be on Wednesday March 8, 2017 in the Honeywell Room (second floor) of Ottawa City Hall.